ABC Smoothie/ Almond Banana Choco Smoothie

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A smoothie is a blended and sometimes sweetened beverage made from fresh fruit and in special cases can contain chocolate. In addition to fruit, many smoothies
include crushed ice, frozen
fruit, honey or contain syrup and ice ingredients.
They have a milkshake-like
consistency that is thicker than slush drinks. They can also contain milk, yogurt or ice cream.

Today I post ABC Smoothie recipe, here I gave a small and
innovative name which easily attract our little champ. In this smoothie recipe,
A means Almonds which gives lots of vitamins and minerals which
help in maintain health and ward off diseases.
B means Banana which is good source of potassium, dietary fibre and
vitamin B6 and helps in maintaining kidney, bones and heart. It’s good for
blood also.
C means Chocolates, under this recipe I used both chocolate dark
and white……which is also kid’s favorite.
Under this recipe we blend all ingredients together and serve in
glass to your little champ.

2 ripe bananas
1 cup milk
1 cup yogurt
1 tbsp. grounded almonds
1/2 tbsp. White chocolate
1 tsp. dark chocolate or sauce
2 tsp. powdered sugar
Peel and chopped ripe bananas into thin cubes. Now add all
ingredients into blender and blend it.
Place the smoothie into glass and garnish with dark chocolate and
grated almonds on the top of glass.
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Simply Tadka is one place where I can show my passion for cooking and photography. My blog features easy and quick vegetarian recipes that don’t demand much time and effort. I loves experimenting and substitutes some of the ingredients that are not easily available in the kitchen. For more details Check here

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