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Again second time I’m participating in Blogging
Marathon #13
 series. It’s pleasure for me to
be a part of lovely blogging family. Here everyone treat me a good friend in
first time. Now I’m posting under “CHIPS THEME”, this time I’m posting seven different types of homemade chips. 
Hope all of you like it.

Now come to my post, today I post
wonderful recipe, “POTATO FRENCH FRIES” which everyone like it specially kids they never say NO for this. In
my family, we are only three members me and my lovely parents but still when I
make this my mom behave like kid……. We love this recipe. 🙂
It’s a very easy and tasty snack for
the time pass or at time of watching movie or gossip time…..
Natural potato is a
good source of calories. In fact many people in poor countries, who cannot
afford high-calorie diet such as milk products, meat and
pulses, use potatoes as their prime source of calories. In potatoes, contains
vitamin C, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potato contains about 17% starch and it
is one of the best natural sources of starch.

Potato looks very big
in size, but water accounts for about 70-80 % of the weight of a
potato. So the belief that you become fat by eating potatoes is a
In this recipe, we cut
the potatoes in thin and long strips shape, and rub in corn flour then deep fry
in oil and sprinkle chaat masala and serve with tomato ketchup.
Now How to prepare “French

2 potatoes
2 tsp. corn flour
Chaat masala
Oil for deep frying
Tomato ketchup
Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut the
potatoes as longer and thinner shape like stick. Now sprinkle corn flour on it.
Toss and coat it well.
Now heat the oil in deep and heavy
bottam pan. When the oil is hot enough, add potatoes sticks in oil pan and fry
well on simmer flame till to come golden color.
Remove potatoes fries from the oil on a kitchen towel and sprinkle salt and the chaat masala, toss well.
Serve with tomato ketchup and my
favorite Cold drink coke.

Submit this recipe with 

Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#13

Simply Tadka is one place where I can show my passion for cooking and photography. My blog features easy and quick vegetarian recipes that don’t demand much time and effort. I loves experimenting and substitutes some of the ingredients that are not easily available in the kitchen. For more details Check here

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