Jamun Juice/ Kala Khatta

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Kala khatta or Jamun juice
is popular street drink and tangy flavored sherbet made from jamun or
blackberry fruit. It’s available in drink, candy and syrup form. Ice candy is
made with crushed ice ball with jamun syrup. It’s a traditional drink which
available in summer to roadside. This syrup is made with a combination of Jamun,
black salt, lemon juice and sugar.

Jamun is
known by several local names such as jambas, jamun, jambolan, kala jamun,
jamali, plum and black berry. This purple tropical berry has a unique taste, often
oblong and has a deep purple to bluish colour. Due to its acidic nature, it is
usually eaten with a sprinkling of salt. Jamun is 70 per cent edible. Glucose
and fructose are major sugars found in a ripe jamun. The fruit is laden with a
large number of minerals and provides fewer calories compared to other fruits.
A medium-sized jamun provides about 3-4 calories. The seed of the fruit is also
rich in protein carbohydrates and traces of calcium. It is also a source of
iron, providing 1-2 mg per 100 grams and also vitamin C, providing 18 mg per 100
grams. It provides folate and vitamin B, carotene, phytochemicals
(anti-oxidants), magnesium, potassium and fibre.
Time: 20 Minutes
Time: NA
Servings: 4
Drink & Beverages

2 Cup Jambul/ Jamun
1 Lemon Juice
Black Salt Kala Namak
Black Pepper Powder/ Kali Mirch
Roasted Cumin Powder
Powdered Sugar
Wash and chop the jamun. Grind the seedless
and chopped jamun as puree. Strain the jamun juice. Mix the sugar, spices and
lemon juice. Serve chilled with ice-cubes.

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