Panch Phoron Masala (Spice)- Bengali Spices

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Panch phoran spice
mix is used in specially
North East cuisine. All of the spices in panch phoran are seeds. Traditionally
Panch phoran consists of fenugreek seed, nigella seed, cumin
seed, black mustard seed and fennel seed in equal parts. Personally
I used small amount of fenugreek seeds compare to other because of its taste is
little bitter.

Panch phoron is used for
making curries, fish, non-veg food, lentils and with vegetable too. It’s look
like powered form. In the tradition of Oriya and Bengali
cuisine, panch phoron is typically fried in mustard oil, which causes it
to immediately begin popping. After tempering, other ingredients are added to
the fried spices to be coated in the mixture.

Preparation time: 2 Minutes

Servings: 1/2 Cup
Recipe Source: Wikipedia
1 Tbsp. Cumin seeds/ Jeera
1 Tbsp. Fennel seeds/ Saunf
1 Tbsp. Black Mustard
seeds/ Sarso
1 Tbsp. Fenugreek seeds/
Methi Dana
1 Tbsp. Nigella seeds/
Combine all ingredients
into equal quantity and grind it as smooth powder form. You can store this spice in airtight jar for long time.
Homemade Spices Event  hosted by esho boho aahare.

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Simply Tadka is one place where I can show my passion for cooking and photography. My blog features easy and quick vegetarian recipes that don’t demand much time and effort. I loves experimenting and substitutes some of the ingredients that are not easily available in the kitchen. For more details Check here

8 thoughts on “Panch Phoron Masala (Spice)- Bengali Spices

  1. Thanks preeti to be part of the event,will update you about the event would like you follow-up so don't miss out any info.

    I have update my page and add giveaway entry tool so it will be easy for to keep a track of contestant 🙂 This speeds entries and keeps contestants me to follow up.

  2. Nice Preeti… This is an authentic Bengali masala… You made perfectly. Thanks for linking with my event… if you use logo with the post it will be a pleasure for me…

    Happy to follow you Dear.


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