Last Updated on
After a long time, I announce one more wonderful
giveaway on my blog which personally sponsored by Simply Tadka. This event is especially
for Facebook people who give me lots of support and love to my passion. I want
to celebrate this mini milestone of my blog with all my readers and Facebook
fans. I reached 270000+ page views, 300 posts, Facebook likes 1400+ and G.F.C with
225. So I think to do something
different which shows my appreciation. It has to be something fantastic and
interesting, something which creates reader’s interest. So I thought why not reader
will choose own giveaway…
The most interesting part of this event is
giveaway… you can choose your own giveaway. I have given four categories as
under and you can choose your preference of giveaway. This event is runs for the
period of 25 April- 25 June, 2013. There are two winner will be choose by random.org.
giveaway on my blog which personally sponsored by Simply Tadka. This event is especially
for Facebook people who give me lots of support and love to my passion. I want
to celebrate this mini milestone of my blog with all my readers and Facebook
fans. I reached 270000+ page views, 300 posts, Facebook likes 1400+ and G.F.C with
225. So I think to do something
different which shows my appreciation. It has to be something fantastic and
interesting, something which creates reader’s interest. So I thought why not reader
will choose own giveaway…
The most interesting part of this event is
giveaway… you can choose your own giveaway. I have given four categories as
under and you can choose your preference of giveaway. This event is runs for the
period of 25 April- 25 June, 2013. There are two winner will be choose by random.org.
Cookware/ Bakeware
Cook Books
CCD Coffee Hamper
Tableware/ Serveware
Thanks a lot. I don’t want to stretch out this post and come to direct on how
to get this giveaway but read whole post carefully.
Mandatory entries: For each of your entries leave a separate
comment on this post letting me know what you have done. (4 points)
comment on this post letting me know what you have done. (4 points)
- Leave a comment on this post about which
category you like and why? - Like the Simply Tadka on Facebook Page (if we
reach more than 3000+ likes, I will give a another special prize (3rd ) for 3001th
like.) - Share and Tag the Simply Tadka page and this
giveaway both with your Facebook friends. - For Bloggers, Display this giveaway on your Blog Sidebar
and write a detailed Blog post about giveaway and Simply Tadka both in one post. Link this post in linkytool at the end of post. (Use your blog name in linkytool column name) or
For Non Blogger, they post about giveaway as cover pic on Facebook with URL link. till the end of event.
Additional entries:
- Follow on Simply Tadka via GFC, Twitter,
Pinterest and Email subscription (verify). (4 Points) - Additional number for who share this page
many times among with different friends. (1 share= 1 Point).
- Facebook Name:
- Share Url:
- Blog Url:
- Blogpost Url:
- Giveaway Choice:
- How Many times Shared:
- Email Id:
- Additional entries:
If you have further any query please mail me
on simplytadka@gmail.com
or leave a comment separately. On the 30th June 2013, I will declare
the name of lucky winner who have Indian shipping address.
on simplytadka@gmail.com
or leave a comment separately. On the 30th June 2013, I will declare
the name of lucky winner who have Indian shipping address.
Don’t forget to leave a comment on this post
for each entry you fulfill. There are two winners: one winner will be randomly
chosen and get own choice giveaway. Second winner will get giveaway from my
choice. So start commenting and sharing
for each entry you fulfill. There are two winners: one winner will be randomly
chosen and get own choice giveaway. Second winner will get giveaway from my
choice. So start commenting and sharing
Enter your email address:
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Simply Tadka is one place where I can show my passion for cooking and photography. My blog features easy and quick vegetarian recipes that don’t demand much time and effort. I loves experimenting and substitutes some of the ingredients that are not easily available in the kitchen. For more details Check here
I like the Cookware/ Bakeware category because it will be very useful for my cooking. So I would like to win that giveaway 🙂
Liked the Simply Tadka on Facebook.
My Facebook name is Divya Asha
Shared and Tagged the Simply Tadka page and this giveaway both with my Facebook friends.
Share URL: http://www.facebook.com/devi.priya.712/posts/449365425144712
i'm a Non Blogger. So I posted about this giveaway as my cover pic on Facebook with this blog's URL link.
Link of my facebook cover pic: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=449365571811364&set=a.309577902456799.72561.100002137746460&type=1&theater
Following this blog via GFC.
GFC name: Divya Asha
Following Simply Tadka on Twitter.
My twitter ID: @DivyaAsha
Following Simply Tadka on Pinterest.
Pinterest name: Divya Asha
Subscribed to this blog via e-mail.
Email used for subscription: fb_asha@yahoo.com
Shared the giveaway post 21 times with different friends.
hi preethi, liked ur fb page
fb name: sharanya csl
I would like to win cookware/bakeware as i have a very limited bakeware items and i want to explore more recipes
have displayed in sidebar abt the giveaway and done and blogpost too
btw the linky tool is not working for me:(
following on gfc as sharanya csl
followed on twitter as sharanya csl and retweeted abt the giveaway
followed on pinterest and repinned the giveaway as sharanya csl
subscribed and verified the subscription through gmail
Send me email id
have liked and shared the giveaway on fbpage too
send me share link
have tagged fifteen friends
Hi preeti , congrats on your milestones . Happy to participate in your event
Thanks Sharanya…
i am already a follower of your blog thru GFC
send me share link
Posted the blogpost about the event
Posted the logo and link in my blog's sidebar
Send me your verify email id and facebook share url
Nice event..will participate and post the details soon..
Hi Preeti
following you in face book
Name: yummyfoods-priyas-virundhu
I have shared in facebook about the event…
Like and share my page with profile instead of page.
Iam already following you in GFC…
Following through twitter
Name: PriyaAnandakumar
Following through pininterest
Name: Priya Anandakumar
Subscribed through email
Hi Preeti,
I would like to win Cookware/bakeware…
Happy hosting…
Myblog url
Shared the event in my blog in the sidebar…
nice giveaway
i like serverware /tableware bec every time we need new and beautiful tableware for beautiful presentation on table
Facebook Name:santoshbangar
Share Url:
Blog Url:antoshbangar.blogspot.in
Blogpost Url:santoshbangar.blogspot.com
Giveaway Choice:serverware/tableware
How Many times Shared:just 2timeson tweetter
Email Id:satyapaul.bangar@gmail.com
Additional entries:i follow on pinterest and tweeter
Hi Santosh plz link your blogpost about giveaway and My blog… in linkytool at the end of post. Share facebook link.
nice event Preeti…
thanks nabanita….
Lovely event Preeti 🙂
Thanks Nilu
Hi Preethi,
You have not mentioned what type of entries can be linked. Can you let us know so that I can link my entries…
Hi Priya… U have not add any recipe entry here.. which post you publish for giveaway and my blog… link that entry in linkytool. Instead of recipe name you have to put your blog name in linkytool. If further any query please reply me
Congrats on your milestone
First preference is – Coffee hamper because i love coffee so much
Second preference is – Cookware/bake ware because without this we can't make any thing.
Thanks Shailaja
Already liked your page. Shared it.
FB name – Shailaja Reddy
Blog post – http://sahasravantalu.blogspot.com/2013/04/giveaway-simply-tadka.html
Displayed on blog blog side bar.
Following through Pinterest – http://pinterest.com/shailajasri/
Following through Twitter – https://twitter.com/SahasraRecipes
Subscribed via email – rs.shailajareddy@gmail.com
Shared and tagged
FB name – http://www.facebook.com/shailaja.reddy.735
Blog url – http://sahasravantalu.blogspot.com/
liked ur fb page.
Name:prajusha Vinod
Loving the serverware/tableware,Hope i win one.Liked your fb page,shared it on my wallhttps://www.facebook.com/sailaja.damodaran?ref=tn_tnmn…….All the best to all.
My blog url- http://www.sailajakitchen.com/2013/04/giveaway_25.html
Share Facebook name and Share url
I have linked the event announcement Preethi, can I add the receipe entries now…
Please let me know.
No recipe dear… you have to link blogpost about giveaway and blog.
Hi preethi,
first congrats on ur milestones,wishes for more.
I would like to win cookware/bakeware as like to have more of it.
thanks babitha for wishes
I am already ur fan in FB
Name: Babitha antony costa
Shared on Fb done
I have added it in my blog side bar.
Blogged about it.
blog post:http://babiscooking.blogspot.in/2013/04/winners-choice-giveaway-at-simple-tadka.html
already following it twitter
name :babithajcosta
Following in pinrest
Pinned it
Already ur GFC follower
email subscribtion
Very innovative idea for the giveaway dear… Happy hosting… Sure will participate soon… 🙂
Thanks Dear
Following through GFC – Shailaja Reddy
Lovely Giveaway and I enjoy reading through your recipes 🙂
I would love to win in the category fo Tableware/ Serveware so that I can get a cool Tableware/Serveware to serve my dishes.
Already a liker of your page, Profile link: http://www.facebook.com/meenakshi.kapur.9
FB Name: Meenakshi Kapur
Shared giveaway with friends FB Share Link: http://www.facebook.com/meenakshi.kapur.9/posts/387667844682487
I am a non-blogger, so I made giveaway pic as my cover pic with the giveaway link:
FB Cover Pic Link:http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=387667048015900&set=a.249048301877776.52359.100003178256242&type=1&theater
Additional entries:
Following via GFC, GFC Name: Meenakshi Kapur
Following on Twitter, twitter Handle: @KapurMeenakshi
Following on Pinterest, Pinterest name: Meenakshi Kapur
subscribed via email Email ID: mikakapur@yahoo.in
Shared and hope to win
Done 🙂
hi preethi,
i will go for cookware/bakeware as i am a mere student in the lovely field of cooking…I am very fond of cooking…If i win cookware, it will be really useful for me..When ever i see cupcakes prepared by several cooking experts, I always dream of having an oven and bakeware…So i prefer cookware/bakeware the most..
Thanks Bini
Nice Event Preeti. I love the Cookeware and Bakeware. I have submitted my link hoping that I can win the giveaway atleast this time.
Thanks Swetha…
Hi..nice event. Shared your links.I will go for cookware/Bakeware as a blogger i love cooking.
Facebook Name:Mrs.Home Maker (https://www.facebook.com/home.maker.731)
Blog Url:http:http://welcometotheworldofh4.blogspot.com/2013/04/winners-choice-giveaway.html
Twitter:Mrs.Home Maker(https://twitter.com/)
Additional entries:
Facebook: Sirisha Yenneti(https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=409889995775063&set=a.220584854705579.45166.184432024987529&type=1&theater)
Giveaway Choice:Cookware/Bakeware
How Many times Shared:5
Email Id:sirisha.mail123@gmail.com
Your facebook entry, email and GFC is not verified..
Tweeted today
Congrats 🙂 Wow… Lovely giveaway… Will participate soon…
Thanks Priya
Nice Event
Thanks Jaleela
1. http://pinterest.com/pin/390124386441331009/
3.Side bar done
4. Blog Post done
Link your blogpost link in linkytool
Your email id and Facebook entry is not verified yet
Hi Preeti,
Facebook Name: Virunthu unna vaanga Vijidharmaraj
Share Url: http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.simplytadka.com%2F2013%2F04%2Fwinners-choice-giveaway.html%3Fspref%3Dfb&t=Winner%27s+Choice+Giveaway
other one forgot to take copy n paste…
Blog Url:http://www.nathivg.blogspot.in/
Blogpost Url: ll update soon…
Giveaway Choice: Cookware/Bakeware – I love those stuffs much…
How Many times Shared: 2
Email Id: vgdharmaraj@gmail.com
Additional entries: DONE
Blog post URL – http://nathivg.blogspot.com/2013/05/surprising-giveaway-simply-tadka.html
Hi if anyone i missed plz let me know dear…
I didnot provide details about pinterest, gfc, twitter, and facebook share link properly.
Gfc – Vijayalakshmi Dharmaraj
Twitter – Vijidharmaraj
Pinterest – Vijayalakshmi Dharmaraj
FB Share URL – http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.simplytadka.com%2F2013%2F04%2Fwinners-choice-giveaway.html%3Fspref%3Dfb&t=Winner%27s+Choice+Giveaway
Any other missed entries Preeti???
Now fully eligible 🙂
Hi Preeti ,
First of all let me congratulate on achieving milestone.
I would like to win cooking books if the book given is vegetarian recipes
If not I would prefer to get tableware/serverware.
Thanks Dnt worry.. there is only veg cookbooks.
Like simply TADKA fan page in Facebook
Plz share your Profile name
sangeetha shreenidhi
Shared about the giveaway in my profile with name Sangeetha Shreenidhi as well as my fan page http://www.facebook.com/enelmblogspotde
Plz add share url… check rules.
only valid comments and entries are considered
Blogpost URL:http://enelm.blogspot.de/2013/05/giveaway-simply-tadka.html
Posted about your event in my blog
Facebook Name: Sangeetha Shreenidhi
Share Url: Shared the event in my fan page as well as my profile.
Blog Url: http://enelm.blogspot.de/
Blogpost Url:http://enelm.blogspot.de/2013/05/giveaway-simply-tadka.html
Giveaway Choice: Cook book (if vegetarian)as I'm very much fond of reading new different vegetarian recipes else a serverware or tableware as I love to decorate the food prepared in different ways before serving
How Many times Shared: 2, Shared about event in both my profile as well as my fan page in facebook
Email Id: sangeetha.pn@gmail.com
Additional entries:
Following you on Twitter with name: Sangeetha bhat
Following through GFC with name: Sangu
Subscribed through mail id:sangeetha.pn@gmail.com
I don't have a pinterest account as of now
Displayed the event in sidebar
Following you on Pinterest too, with name sangeetha shreenidhi
Plz send facebook name and share details again
Facebook Name:Manjula Kanted
Share Url:https://www.facebook.com/manjula.kanted/posts/459420594136080
Shared in my fb page
Fb page name : Desi Fiesta
Shared link:https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=247405992064382&id=163939770411005
Blog Url:http://desifiesta.blogspot.com/
Blogpost Url:http://desifiesta.blogspot.com/2013/05/giveaway-preetis-kitchen-life.html
Giveaway Choice: I would like to win table /serverware bcoz am in hunting from since a started blogging . so that i can present my food well.
Additional entries:
Following via twitter
Twitter name : Manjulabharathkumar
Pininterest name : manjula
Gfc name : manjual bharath
Email subscription done
Email Id: Manjulabharathkumar@gmail.com
How Many times Shared:2
Sidebar done
Done.. 🙂
I would like to go for Tableware / Serveware
That's because i have already got so many baking items and cook books ( i have bought and my mom's).
and i am not that much interested in Coffee Hamper
Facebook Name: Sharanya Pathmanathan
Share Url: https://www.facebook.com/sharanya.pathmanathan?ref=tn_tnmn
Blog Url: http://justnotthecakes.blogspot.com/
Blogpost Url:
Giveaway Choice: Tableware / Serveware
How Many times Shared: 2
Email Id:order.divinecakes@gmail.com
Additional entries: 18
Following through GFC – shey divine
Pinterest – sharanya pathmanathan
Published on Side bar
Not on Twitter
I have linked the event announcement.
Facebook Name: Sapana Behl
Share Url: will send soon
Blog Url: http:// cookingwithsapana.blogspot.com
Blogpost Url: http://cookingwithsapana.blogspot.com/2013/05/give-away-simply-tadka.html
Giveaway Choice: Cookware / Bakeware because I like to collect as much as I can . It gives me pleasure to cook / bake in new item.
How Many times Shared:1
Email Id:sapana.behl@gmail.com
Additional entries: already following on GFC sapana behl
Twitter Behlsapana
Pinterest sapana behl
Fb name Sapana Behl
Share URL http://www.facebook.com/sapana.behl?ref=tn_tnmn
Blog URL http:// cookingwithsapana.blogspot.com
Blogpost Url: http://cookingwithsapana.blogspot.com/2013/05/give-away-simply-tadka.html
Giveaway Choice: Cookware / Bakeware because I like to collect as much as I can . It gives me pleasure to cook / bake in new item.
How Many times Shared:1
Email Id:sapana.behl@gmail.com
Additional entries
GFC checked
Twitter checked
Pinterest checked
Subscribed via email sapana.behl@gmail.com
All entries are done except pinterest and twitter.
Lovely event Preeti ….Happy Hosting 🙂
Thanks Dear
Name :Jaleela
FB Name: https://www.facebook.com/jaleela.kamal
Email id: cookbookjaleela@gmail.com
Blog Post link: http://cookbookjaleela.blogspot.ae/2013/05/winners-choice-giveaway-preethi.html
Side bar done
Blog Post done
I would like to win :serverware /tableware becoz it will be useful for me to display my recipes.
FB Share :https://www.facebook.com/jaleela.kamal?hc_location=timeline
How many times Shared : 2 times.
GFC :Jaleela banu
Additional Entries:
1. http://pinterest.com/pin/390124386441331009/
Done 🙂
Wonderful giveaway 🙂
I love the category of Tableware/ Serveware since I have just started blogging and will love if I have more tableware/serveware to take food photographs.
Name: Shunmugasundari
Liked via FB Name: Ladies-center Blogspot
Shared through: http://www.facebook.com/ladiescenter.blogspot.3
Shared 2 times once in profile and another one in my blogspot page
Email id: ladiescenterblogspot@gmail.com
Blog Post link: http://ladies-center.blogspot.in/2013/05/giveaway-by-simple-tadka.html
Side bar: done
Additional entries:
Following via GFC, GFC Name: Shunmugasundari Chandrasekar
Following on Twitter, twitter Handle: @ladiescenter
Following on Pinterest, Pinterest name: ladiescenterblogspot
subscribed via email Email ID: ladiescenterblogspot@gmail.com
Sundari, your GFC is not valid… other entries are qualified, thanks for participation.
I love the category of Tableware/ Serveware ,i am non blogger
Name: garima kumari
Liked via FB Name: garima kumari
Shared through fb-http://www.facebook.com/GARIMA15/posts/10151586147438818
twitter -https://twitter.com/bubblygarima/status/335415045947281409
Email id: garima280488@hotmail.com
Additional entries:
Following via GFC, GFC Name: garima kumari
Following on Twitter, twitter Handle: @bubblygarima
Following on Pinterest, Pinterest name: kgarima17
set giveaway as my cover pic
subscribed via email Email ID: ladiescenterblogspot@gmail.com
twitter -https://twitter.com/bubblygarima/status/335822044719636480
your two entries are not valid
1) Facebook Like
2) Email Subscription.
like the page and now subscribed with kgarima280488@gmail.com
fb share-http://www.facebook.com/GARIMA15/posts/10151617716078818
twitter share-https://twitter.com/bubblygarima/status/341237289080475649
fb share-http://www.facebook.com/GARIMA15/posts/10151619690673818
Thanks Garima for continously sharing on fb and twitter.
Garima plz send us verified email id… this garima280488@hotmail.com is not in our list.
nice giveaway
Thanks Raksha for appreciation.
Hi preeti
Congrats my dear…I lvoe this idea and it is hard to get 2 winners 🙂 Hope to get it 🙂
Facebook Name: Archana Ramachandran
Share Url:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=470647523003622&set=a.470647516336956.1073741825.427847807283594&type=1
I had shared your fb page and tag my fb friends .
Blog Url:http://tangymind.blogspot.com
Blogpost Url:http://tangymind.blogspot.com/2013/05/wonderful-giveaway-by-preeti.html
Giveaway Choice: Cookware/Bakeware – cook books as I love bake ware products as I love and need to bake more creative ideas on the theme of watever based on seasonal holidays and birthdays/Anniversaries :)..because of my passion is baking to cooking 🙂 I loved cookbook what ever it is related to an Indian Cuisines and Baking recipes.
How Many times Shared:2 times one is shared on my FB timeline and shared your new fb page.
Email Id:tangymindsachu@gmail.com
Additional entries:Followed you on GFC as Archana Vijay,Twitter followed by @Achu Viju and Pinterest followed you by @tangymindsachu.Also subscribed by email as tangymindsachu@gmail.com
Side bar on my blog attached done.
Hope I am qualified?
You are fully qualified 🙂
Hi preeti
Congrats my dear…I lvoe this idea and it is hard to get 2 winners 🙂 Hope to get it 🙂
Facebook Name: Archana Ramachandran
Share Url:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=470647523003622&set=a.470647516336956.1073741825.427847807283594&type=1
I had shared your fb page and tag my fb friends .
Blog Url:http://tangymind.blogspot.com
Blogpost Url:http://tangymind.blogspot.com/2013/05/wonderful-giveaway-by-preeti.html
Giveaway Choice: Cookware/Bakeware – cook books as I love bake ware products as I love and need to bake more creative ideas on the theme of watever based on seasonal holidays and birthdays/Anniversaries :)..because of my passion is baking to cooking 🙂 I loved cookbook what ever it is related to an Indian Cuisines and Baking recipes.
How Many times Shared:2 times one is shared on my FB timeline and shared your new fb page.
Email Id:tangymindsachu@gmail.com
Additional entries:Followed you on GFC as Archana Vijay,Twitter followed by @Achu Viju and Pinterest followed you by @tangymindsachu.Also subscribed by email as tangymindsachu@gmail.com
Side bar on my blog attached done.
Hope I am qualified?
thank u so much 4 this lovely giveaway. this one is the 1st ever giveaway which is offering giveaway of winner's choise just loved it .
i'd like to win cookbook?back ware category 'coz i just love to cook and love to try new thing in my kichen so that will help to flaunt my cooking
Facebook Name:Aprajita Trivedi
Share Url:https://www.facebook.com/aprajita.trivedi/posts/4850781427185
Blog Url: m non blogger
Blogpost Url:non blogger
Giveaway Choice:cook book/ back ware
How Many times Shared:will sharein every day on fb and twitter
Email Id: ataprajita8@gmail.com
Additional entries:i'v made it my cover pic
Hi Aprajita.. Plz like and share giveaway link from this page
Add giveaway url with cover pic.
Share Twitter, Pinterest and GFC name.
Add giveaway url with cover pic.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4850783307232&set=a.2460411189423.2114968.1226469099&type=1&theater
twitter handle @guriya83
pinterest: aprajita trivedi
GFCNAME: Aprajita Trivedi
Facebook Name: Nirmal Kapur
Share Url: http://www.facebook.com/nirmal.kapur.7/posts/104944486380414
Giveaway Choice: Tableware/ Serveware so that we can make nice dishes and serve them nicely.
Email Id: kapurnirmal@gmail.com
Am a non-blogger so made cover pic of my FB profile
Link: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=104944813047048&set=a.104944806380382.1073741828.100005945885839&type=1
Hope to win
Share your GFC name, twitter name, pinterest name.
Email id is not valid
hi preeti,
First of all let me appreciate you for hosting such an amazing event..You have chosen a very rare innovative idea for your give away..Preference goes to participants even without giving strain to them..Nice..Really nice preeti…
Next, Let me come to the event Preeti..I will go for cookware/bakeware as i am a mere student in the lovely field of cooking…I am very fond of cooking…If i win cookware, it will be really useful for me..When ever i see cupcakes prepared by several cooking experts, I always dream of having an oven and bakeware..I use to try cakes in pressure cooker..But love to try in oven..But I haven't yet.So i prefer cookware/bakeware the most..
I am a non blogger..I hope I have satisfied almost all criteria which you recommend for non bloggers…Hope you will kindly let me know If i haven't met any of them..
a) Liked the Simply Tadka on Facebook Page.
b) Shared and Tagged the Simply Tadka page and this giveaway both with my
Facebook friends.
c) Posted about giveaway as cover pic on Facebook.
Facebook Name: Bini Basheer
Share Url: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000496242359&
Blog Url: None (Don't have a blog)
Blogpost Url: None (Don't have a blog)
Giveaway Choice: Cookware/ Bakeware
How Many times Shared: I shared from ur page and posted in the time line
of my FB page. I have 220 friends..I told all of
them to share..I informed todayonly and.Sharing
is going on..As of now,four people shared Simply
Tadka page from my profile and one friend shared
the give away link.
Email Id: bini_basheer@yahoo.com
Additional entries: a) Following your page through GFC,TWITTER and
a) GFC NAME : bini
b) TWITTER Name : Bini Basheer @ binibasheer1
c) PINTERSET Name : Bini Basheer
d) EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION: bini_basheer@yahoo.com
Preeti, Please let me know if I haven't satisfied any of your criteria of give away
Fully Eligible:)
Hi preeti
Thanku so much dear….As u said, I also shared the give away with my friends and this is the link dear…
Hi Preeti, I have joined GFC also. Also, changed the name of ur blog in my post and given the link from my side bar image. Thanks,
Hi Sundari Please send us proper GFC name.
I have subscribed through email too …
Kindly check the number of peopl I have shared with
Hi Dear only two entries are left one is twitter name and second is facebook name through which you like my page
Liked your Facebook page.
Facebook Name : Bidisha Banerjee
Link of Facebook share : http://www.facebook.com/Bidisha.Banerjee16/posts/535901923138687
Posted the Giveaway as cover pic :
Giveaway choice : My choice is Tableware/ Serveware as it will help me to serve foods on table, both for myself and my family and also for the guests.
Additional entry : Shared the Giveaway post 30 times with different friends.
Additional entries :
GFC Name : Bidisha
Twitter handle : @bidisha16
Pinterest name : Bidisha Banerjee
Email subscription : bidishabanerjee@live.com
Done all steps.
you are fully eligible except maintain cover pic till to eevents end
My Email Id : bidishabanerjee@live.com
Hi Preeti,
Hope you are fine dear…I have shared this page with 43 of my friends..The link is
Hi, this is lovely event!!!! Actually, I have a question regarding winner selection. As you've mentioned that the winners will be selected randomly and also you've mentioned about additional points. Here is my question – how you will use this additional points with random selection? I'm getting confused on these two different statements. Please clarify to me. Thanks!
Hi Rutu
Thanks for query.
In this event you are eligible when you will complete 9 entries will be fully eligible for giveaway from that list i will select one name randomly and who have additional entries will help to increase your chances of winning.
Hai Preeti !
Already following your facebook page
and also following on twitter – asiyao
Subscription done -asiyaomar@gmail.com
follow thro GFC -Asiya Omar
Your event announcement post in my blog
link – http://asiyama.blogspot.ae/2013/06/giveaway-at-preethis-simply-tadka.html
and Ad banner at my blog right side bar done.
Announced about your event in my face book page also.
My Blog Url
Giveaway choice – Cook Books
Finally follow you on Pinterest Name – Asiya
Thanks for the nice opportunity.
Hi Asiya
You didnot post about share link and how many times you shared?
Lovely giveaway preeti 🙂
Thanks Prami
I would love to win Tableware/ Serveware…so that i can present my dishes beautifully
I have shared in facebook about the event and also tagged my friends
Already am your follower on Gfc and twitter
Gfc : Prami Pramitha
twitter : Pramitha avinash
subscribed and liked your facebook page
Email id : pramitha.prami@gmail.com
Facebook name : Pramitha Avinash
Done blog post and blog sidebar about the giveaway..
following via pinterest
Hope i am eligible for the giveaway 🙂
Hi Dear..
You fulfill all entries except share link and how many times you share this link:)
I like the Cookware/ Bakeware category because its so looking nice & tempting me too cook 🙂
Such a Lovely giveaway 🙂 🙂
Hi pooja for eligibility you have to fulfill all entries…
Lovely event!!!!!! Congratulations on your milestones….
I am already your follower. liked facebook…..
Facebook Name: Pooja agrawal (page : Daily Swad Sugandh)
Share Url:1)https://www.facebook.com/dailyswadsugandh/posts/472213419520672
Blog Url: http://dailyswadsugandh.blogspot.com/
Blogpost Url: http://dailyswadsugandh.blogspot.com/2013/06/wonderful-giveaway-by-preeti.html
Giveaway Choice: cookware / bakeware
How Many times Shared: Sharing is going on…I shared with my 120 friends and some of my friends shared with their friends…
Email Id: pooja.agrawal81@gmail.com
Additional entries:
Following you on GFC as Pooja Agrawal
Subscribed and verified on email subscription
I will follow you on twitter and pinterest as soon as I open the account in 2-3 days
All entries are done except twitter and pinterest:)
tweeted about this today:
Thanks Babitha.
Congrats Preeti ….
Facebook Name: Prethika sk
Share Url: Shared in Fb Page : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=125129497695107&id=160246804153774&ref=notif¬if_t=share_wall_create
Blog Url:http://www.aromatic-recipes.blogspot.in
Blogpost Url:http://www.aromatic-recipes.blogspot.in/2013/06/event-announcement-winners-choice.html
Giveaway Choice:Tableware/ServeWare
How Many times Shared:FB-2 Times(shared in my timeline,In my Page Timelime(Aromatic Recipes))
Shared in Twitter -1 time
Email Id: prethika.skm@gmail.com
Additional entries: Following SimplyTadka via GFC,Twitter,PinInterest
also have subscribed for Email Subscription
Congrats Preeti,
Wish u more and more success in near future..
Facebook Name:Prethika sk
Share Url: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Aromatic-Recipes/160246804153774?ref=hl
Blog Url: http://www.aromatic-recipes.blogspot.in/
Blogpost Url: http://www.aromatic-recipes.blogspot.in/2013/06/event-announcement-winners-choice.html
Giveaway Choice: Tableware/ServeWare
How Many times Shared: In Facebook 2times
Email Id: prethika.skm@gmail.com
Additional entries: Following thru GFC( name:Prethika skm),Twitter(AromaticRecipes),Facebook(Prethika sk),PinInterest and also added for email subscription.
Hi Prethika
Your email id is not verified please first of all verifiy that and leave a comment.
Nice event. Good luck to organize more such events in future.
I am following you on google connect and liked your page on facebook. Added the logo to sidebar in my blog.
Facebook name: Deepa Raveendran
Facebook page: Dee's cook room
Blog URL:http://deescookroom.blogspot.com/
Blog post URL: http://deescookroom.blogspot.com/2013/06/giveaway-simply-tadka.html
My choice: Tableware/serveware
Because I beleive good presentation of food prepared is also one of the most important for any recipe's success. Sofood should be presented in a neat and appealing Tableware/serveware.
Sorry Dear… May be is there any technical fault…
Please send me your entry again with full link 🙂
Thank you very much for the awesome giveaway ! Hope to win and be lucky !
My pleasure.. Rehana.. Hope you will participate soon only two days left 🙂
Hi Preeti,
Congratulations for this lovely giveaway… Winner's choice giveaway has four lucrative gift options…I would like to win cookware or bakeware. As I have limited numbers of cookware in my kitchen…
Please let me know whether I am eligible for your giveaway.
Best Regards
Hi Preeti,
Hereby I am posting the details:
Facebook Name: Amrita Adak
Share Url: http://www.facebook.com/amrita.adak.52
Blog Url: accessiblediary.blogspot.in/
Blogpost Url: http://accessiblediary.blogspot.in/2013/06/winners-choice-giveaway-simply-tadka.html
Giveaway Choice: Cookware/ Bakeware
Email Id: jhumu.here@gmail.com
Additional entries:
Following on Twitter(Pooja_agr18) and Pinterest(poojaagr)
Pinterest is left to get full eligibility 🙂
I am also following you via GFC, Twitter & Pinterest.
GFC: Amrita Roy
Twitter: Amrita @aamritaroy14
Pinterest: Amrita
I have also shared about this giveaway to 10 friends
Please let me know if I am eligible for this giveaway..
Hi Amrita Thanks for participating… all entries are done except twitter is not verified on my account.
Hi Preethi,
Following you on twitter name: Deepa Raveendran
Pininterest name : Deepa
Facebook : Deepa Raveendran
Hi Preethi,
I shared and tagged simply Tadka page with 9 of my friends.
Please let me know what else I need to do to make sure I am eligible for this event. Since I am new to blogging and this event I am not sure if I have done everything right.
Hi Preethi,
Facebook Share URL: https://www.facebook.com/deepa.raveendran.7/posts/538981072832428
Facebook name : Deepa Raveendran
Lovely Giveaway dear…Congratz…
Facebook Name: Tamilarasi Sasikumar
Share Url: https://www.facebook.com/tamilarasi.sasikumar
Blog Url: http://tamilsasikitchen.blogspot.co.uk/
Blogpost Url: http://tamilsasikitchen.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/winner-choice-giveaway-simply-tadka.html
Giveaway Choice: cookware / bakeware 0r Cookbooks
Love to bake and love trying recipes from cookbooks…
How Many times Shared: Shared once with 10 friends
Email Id: arasicontacts@gmail.com
Additional entries:
Already following on GFC as Tamilarasi Sasikumar
Already following on Twitter as Tamilarasi@TamilsKitchen
Already following on Pinterest as Tamilarasi Sasikumar
Subscribed and verified on email subscription