Baghrir | Moroccan Pancakes

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Baghrir is vegan and dairy free pancake recipe which looks so cool and really tender and light in taste. Baghrir looks very soft and delicate in texture because of yeast presence. It’s a complete and super yummy dessert with yummy topping of jam, caramel and chocolate. Traditionally they serve with honey and melted butter.

Baghrir | Moroccan Pancakes

Preparation Time: 40 Minutes
Cooking Time: 25 Minutes
Servings: 15
Category: Pancakes
Cuisine: Moroccan
Cooking Method: Pan Fry

1 Cup Semolina/ Sooji
1/4 Cup Plain Flour
2 Tbsps. Caster Sugar
1 Tsp. Active Dry Yeast
1/2 Tsp. Salt
2 Tsp. Baking Powder
2 Cups Warm Water

Add all ingredients except baking powder in large bowl. Whisk until no lumps remain.
Add baking powder and whisk again for smooth batter. Leave the batter atleast 40 minutes for proofing and whisk again.
Heat the non-stick pan and place it over medium flame. When pan hot enough, grease and start making the pancakes.
Place the small ladleful batter and leave the pancake until it dries out. Once the pancake dry completely, its a sign of cooked.
Never flip the pancake otherwise you will loose the holes and tender texture.
Repeat the same process with remaining batter.
Serve hot with your favorite topping.

Notes: Baghrirs are cooked only on one side.
Keep pancakes separately with a tissue or butter paper otherwise they will stick to each other.

Tags: how to make baghrir, baghrir pancakes, moroccan pancakes, pancakes, vegan, dairyfree, bloggingmarathon, simplytadka, sweet, dessert, breakfast, moroccan cuisine, eggless, international, yeast recipe, semolina recipe, eggless baghrir, pan baking.


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Simply Tadka is one place where I can show my passion for cooking and photography. My blog features easy and quick vegetarian recipes that don’t demand much time and effort. I loves experimenting and substitutes some of the ingredients that are not easily available in the kitchen. For more details Check here

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