Almond Apple Shrikhand

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Shrikhand is an Indian sweet dish made with hung curd and
sugar. It is one of the main
desserts in Gujarati cuisine and Maharastrian cuisine. It is also
served with Gujarati thali sometimes as a sweet dish. Preparation
of this dish is very simple but it takes some time to process yogurt properly.
Today I post simple and traditional recipe of Gujarat dessert with
little fusion with apple and almonds. Hope all my food lovers like this

apple (fine chopped)
1 ½
tbsp. powdered sugar
gm. hung curd (yogurt)
tsp. cinnamon powder
tbsp. crushed almonds
the apple into fine dice form and for hung curd, knot the curd into clothe for
3-4 hours.
add hung curd, cinnamon powder, sugar, almonds and mix well. Add diced apple
into mixture and put this shrikhand into glasses or serving bowl and place the
shrikhand glass into the fridge to get chilled.
At the
time of serving add chopped apple into glass in bottom then add 1 tbsp.
shrikhand and sprinkle cinnamon powder on the top of the glass.
this recipe with following events:

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Simply Tadka is one place where I can show my passion for cooking and photography. My blog features easy and quick vegetarian recipes that don’t demand much time and effort. I loves experimenting and substitutes some of the ingredients that are not easily available in the kitchen. For more details Check here

20 thoughts on “Almond Apple Shrikhand

  1. cinnamon seems like a new thing for shrikhand…there are so many variations available in mahrashtra and gujarat now with shrikhand that i am not very surprised , but cinnamon still seems like a twist, will give it a try

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